python - How to pass dictionary to functions? -

i want pass dictionary user defined functions , need calculation based on dictionary values. not working me functions works fine without using functions. not sure, wrong code. please? no error message.


"13-07-2016 12:55:46",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 12:57:50",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 13:00:43",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 13:01:45",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 13:02:57",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 13:04:59",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 13:06:51",user,,,connect,200,""
"13-07-2016 13:07:56",user,,,connect,200,""


file_name = sys.argv[1] fo = open(file_name, "rb")   def setdict():    dico,i={},0     line = fo.readline()    line in fo:      date, user, proxy_ip, client_ip, access_method, con, sites = line.split(",")      sites = sites.rstrip('\n')      dico[i]= date, user, proxy_ip, client_ip, access_method, con, sites    return dico  def display(dico):    k,v in dico.items():       print k,v 

a: should consider call functions @ end of script:

dico = setdict() display(dico) 

without that, declared, not used.

b: should consider better way open file:

with open(file_name, "rb") f:   lines = f.readlines()   line in lines:     # stuff line 

this best way open file in python , read line line.

c: using:

   line = fo.readline()    # ^ line never use after, loose it's datas    line in fo:      #do stuff on line 

i've add comment show you loose data first line.

d: using global variable (you use fo inside setdict() better way pass arguments:

fo = open(file_name, "rb")  def setdict(fo):    dico,i={},0    line = fo.readline()    ...  setdict(fo) 

finally, here how can rewrite script :

def setdict(filename):    dico,i={},0    open(filename, 'r') f:    line in f.readlines():      date, user, proxy_ip, client_ip, access_method, con, sites = line.split(",")      sites = sites.rstrip('\n')      dico[i]= date, user, proxy_ip, client_ip, access_method, con, sites    return dico  def display(dico):    k,v in dico.items():       print k,v  file_name = sys.argv[1] dico = setdict(filename) display(dico) 


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