drupal 8 - Form redirects to page /form_action_cc611e1d -
i installed contact_storage module can set redirect path when completing form, whenever complete form apparently ignores whatever have filled redirect path field , sends me "/form_action_cc611e1d".
i have no idea comes from, reference find path in code in bigpipe core module, except module has not been active in project.
i've cleared cache 100 times no avail. have idea how resolve this?
it seems redirect happens when attaching js library in hook_form_form_id_alter() of form, js adds html (no form controls div's) , click handlers.
this happens in 1 of our 6 templates though there must else interfering, unfortunately ran out of time further investigate this.
to fix form added request uri form again:
function schade_forms_alter(&$form, \drupal\core\form\formstateinterface $form_state, $form_id){ //attach js $form['#attached'] = array( 'library' => array( 'insusite_forms/form', ), ); //to prevent form redirecting /form_action_cc611e1d after submit add action link $form['#action'] = \drupal::request()->getrequesturi(); } }
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