django - using python reserved keyword as variable name -
im trying send sms using webservice , webservice document suggest :
response = client.service.sendsms( fromnum = '09999999' , tonum = '0666666666666', messagecontent = 'test', messagetype = 'normal', user = 'myusername', pass = '123456' , )
to fair dont have document python php/asp i've converted php sample unlike me may know pass
reserved keyword of python
so cant have variable name pass
becuz syntax error !
is there way around trhis or should switch webservice ? wish put variable names in quotation mark or
you can pass in arbitrary strings keyword arguments using **dictionary
call syntax:
response = client.service.sendsms( fromnum = '09999999' , tonum = '0666666666666', messagecontent = 'test', messagetype = 'normal', user = 'myusername', **{'pass': '123456'} )
you can move keyword arguments dictionary if want to, , assign dictionary variable before applying.
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