c++ - PCL registration of clouds -

i'm trying pairwise register clouds 3d template, warnings

[pcl::sampleconsensusmodelregistration::computesampledistancethreshold] covariance matrix has nan values! input cloud finite? [pcl::randomsampleconsensus::computemodel] no samples selected! 

followed signal sigsegv, segmentation fault:

0x00007ffff344114d in pcl::registration::transformationestimationsvd<pcl::pointxyzrgba, pcl::pointxyzrgba, float>::estimaterigidtransformation(pcl::constclouditerator<pcl::pointxyzrgba>&, pcl::constclouditerator<pcl::pointxyzrgba>&, eigen::matrix<float, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4>&) const () 

my code is:

    registration->setinputsource(source);     registration->setinputtarget(target);     registration->setmaxcorrespondencedistance(0.3);     registration->setransacoutlierrejectionthreshold(0.00001);     registration->settransformationepsilon(10e-6);     registration->setmaximumiterations(400);     registration->setransaciterations(10);     cloudmapper::cloud::ptr c(new cloudmapper::cloud);     registration->align(*c); 

any ideas why covariance matrix have nan values? clouds different frames kinect stream.

it indeed correspondencedistance. point clouds in different scale. in pcl documentation, distances in meters point clouds in millimeters, need correspondence distance *1000


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