android - 500 Internal Server Error -
i getting 500 internal server error while calling app engine endpoint android client. in code looks fine , confused error.
calling endpoint api:
try { return myapiservice.updateuseraction(userid1, userid2, action).execute().getdata(); } catch (ioexception e) { return e.getmessage(); }
useractionendpoint (simplest form):
@apimethod(name = "updateuseraction") public defaultstringbean updateuseraction(@named("firstuserid") string firstuserid, @named("seconduserid") string seconduserid, @named("action") string action) { defaultstringbean response = new defaultstringbean(); response.setdata("200"); return response; }
and defaultstringbean:
public class defaultstringbean { private string result; public string getdata() { return result; } public void setdata(string response) { result = response; } }
why should error? 500 internal server error
more info: have implemented more endpoints return type of data , none of them thrown exception.
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