datatables - csrf token missing in django ajax post request working using get request -
i working metronic datatables in have file ajax function works. problem when use type in ajax function "get" works in post not work , gives csrf token missing error in console, in case of not give error, using django framework site , ajax function :-
"ajax": { // define ajax settings "url": document.url, // ajax url "type": "post", // request type "timeout": 20000, "data": function(data) { // add request parameters before submit $.each(ajaxparams, function(key, value) { data[key] = value; }); metronic.blockui({ message: tableoptions.loadingmessage, target: tablecontainer, overlaycolor: 'none', cenrery: true, boxed: true }); }, } file :
from django.conf.urls import url . import views urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'), url(r'^logout$', views.logout, name='logout'), url(r'^dashboard$', views.dashboard, name='dashboard'), url(r'^profile$', views.profile, name='profile'), url(r'^edit-profile$', views.edit_profile, name='edit-profile'), url(r'^check-password$', views.check_password, name='check-password'), url(r'^help$', views.faq_management, name='help'), url(r'^testing$', views.testing_database, name='testing'), url(r'^add-faq$', views.add_faq, name='add-faq') ]
view related function :
from django.http import httpresponse django.shortcuts import render, redirect django.core.exceptions import objectdoesnotexist models import admin, django.contrib import messages django.utils.html import escape .forms import imageuploadform import json datetime import datetime def faq_management(request): if 'admin_id' in request.session: if request.method == 'get': if request.is_ajax(): ajax_data = request.get if ajax_data['length'] !=-1 : limit = ajax_data['length'] else : limit="all" questions = help.objects.all().filter().values('id','question','description','status','created','modified').order_by('-id') datalist = [] i=1; que in questions: if(que['status']=='1'): checked='on' else: checked='off' actionvalues='<a title="edit" class="btn btn-sm green margin-top-10" href=""> <i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a>'; inner_data_list = [ i, que['question'], (que['description'][:150] + '..') if len(que['description']) > 150 else que['description'], '<div id=%s class="bootstrap-switch bootstrap-switch-%s bootstrap-switch-wrapper bootstrap-switch-animate toogle_switch"><div class="bootstrap-switch-container" ><span class="bootstrap-switch-handle-on bootstrap-switch-primary"> active </span><label class="bootstrap-switch-label"> </label><span class="bootstrap-switch-handle-off bootstrap-switch-default"> inactive </span></div></div>'%(que['id'],checked), que['created'], que['modified'], actionvalues ] datalist.append(inner_data_list) += 1 itotalrecords=questions.count() idisplaylength = int(ajax_data['length']); idisplaystart = int(ajax_data['start']); if idisplaylength < 0 : idisplaylength = itotalrecords secho = int(ajax_data['draw']) records = {} records['data'] = {} records['data'] = {} records['data'] = datalist records['customactionstatus'] = {} records['customactionmessage'] = {} records['draw'] = {} records['recordstotal'] = {} records['recordsfiltered'] = {} if request.get.get('customactiontype', '') == 'group_action': records['customactionstatus'] = 'ok' records['customactionmessage'] = 'group action has been completed. done!' records["draw"] = secho records["recordstotal"] = itotalrecords records["recordsfiltered"] = itotalrecords return httpresponse(json.dumps(records, default=json_serial)) admin = admin.objects.get(pk = request.session["admin_id"]) return render(request, 'admin/', { 'admininfo': admin, }) else: messages.add_message(request, messages.error, 'error! kindly login first.') return redirect(index)
you don't error get
because csrf tokens required post
check out topic in docs -
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