php - After removing public from laravel controller not working? -

i have installed laravel 5 , localhost/laravel/public showing landing page of laravel. once created controller hello using php artisan command , created htaccess file below hello controller showing page not found. please me resolve error

 rewriteengine on  rewriterule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [l] 

routes.php file

 route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); });    route::get('/hello', 'hello@index'); 

hello.php controller file

 <?php    namespace app\http\controllers;   use illuminate\http\request;     use app\http\requests;   class hello extends controller { public function index()     {     echo "test";   } } 

it funny true thing controller not depend on public folder. if copy files of public folder directory , includes other files index.php perfectly,surely work.

require __dir__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';  /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | turn on lights |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | need illuminate php development, let turn on lights. | bootstraps framework , gets ready use, | load application can run , send | responses browser , delight our users. | */  $app = require_once __dir__.'/../bootstrap/app.php'; 

change 2 line directory index.php can include both file perfectly.


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