drools - Kie Workbench Execute Rules -

may question has been asked number of times not figure out actual solution going through them. have decision table in kieworkbench takes input 1 fact , sets fact. trying call rules invoking endpoint: http://localhost:8085/kie-server-6.4.0.final-ee7/services/rest/server/containers/instances/pocresult

in header, have set content-type application/xml.

    <batch-execution lookup="ksession">     <insert out-identifier="subject">        <demo.pocfindresult.subject>          <bcode> abc</bcode>          <bgcode>xy</bgcode>          <pcode>l0001</pcode>          <subjecttype>ca</subjecttype>        </demo.pocfindresult.subject>      </insert>      <fire-all-rules />     <get-objects out-identifier="result">        <demo.pocfindresult.result/>     </get-objects> 

my decision table below:

    package demo.pocfindresult;      //from row number: 1     rule "row 1 findrules"         ruleflow-group "fire-rules"         dialect "java"         lock-on-active true         no-loop true         when             sub : subject( bcode == "abc" , bgcode == "xy" , subjecttype == "ca" , pcode == "l0001" )                     result rs = new result();             rs.setresultstartdate( "*today" );             rs.setresultenddate( "*yearend" );             rs.setresultcontentstartdate( "*today" );             rs.setresultcontentenddate( "*yearend" );             insert( rs );     end 

how can result object response? here response:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>     <response type="success" msg="container pocresult called.">         <execution-results>             <results>                 <item key="subject">                     <value xsi:type="jaxblistwrapper" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance">                         <type>list</type>                     </value>                 </item>             </results>             <facts>                 <item key="subject"/>             </facts>         </execution-results>     </response> 

i want result object dates set.

what response get?

i firstly try place fire-all-rules tag after return object. otherwise, try:

   <batch-execution lookup="ksession"> <insert out-identifier="subject">    <demo.pocfindresult.subject>      <bcode> abc</bcode>      <bgcode>xy</bgcode>      <pcode>l0001</pcode>      <subjecttype>ca</subjecttype>    </demo.pocfindresult.subject>  </insert> <insert out-identifier="result" return-object="true" entry-point="default">    <demo.pocfindresult.result/> </insert>  <fire-all-rules/> </batch-execution> 


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