coldfusion - Any better way to loop through a collection (struct) in CFML? -

please have @ code block below:

<cfset index = 0 /> <cfloop collection="#anotherperson#" item="key" >     <cfset index = index+1 />     <cfoutput>           #key# : #anotherperson[key]#           <cfif index lt arraylen(structkeyarray(anotherperson))> , </cfif>     </cfoutput> </cfloop>  <!--- result      age : 24 , haar : blondes haar , sex : female , ort : hanau  ----> 

now can please tell me how achieve same result without setting index outside , incrementing inside loop? if notice carefully, had write 2 more cfset tag , 1 cfif tag expensive code avoid comma (,) @ end of collection!

ok, i'm showing 2 answers. first run on coldfusion 9. since other people might find thread , using lucee server or newer version of adobe coldfusion, i'm including one-liner uses higher order functions , runs on acf 2016. there's lot of syntactic sugar (like member functions) , functional programming you're missing being on cf9. these answers use script, because manipulating data not view (where tags/templating used).

set data

mystruct = { 'age'=24, 'haar'='blondes haar', 'sex'='female', 'ort'='hanau' }; 

cf9 compat, convert data array , use delimiter add commas

myarray = []; for( key in mystruct ) {     arrayappend( myarray, key & ' : ' & mystruct[ key ] ); } writeoutput( arraytolist( myarray, ', ' ) ); 

modern cfml. use struct reduction closure convert each key aggregated array turned list.

writeoutput( mystruct.reduce( function(r,k,v,s){ return r.append( k & ' : ' & s[ k ] );  }, [] ).tolist( ', ' ) );


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