angularjs - Sort Table by the order of the Array not Alphabetical -
like in title mentioned want sort table order of array , not normal way -> alphabetical.
array constants. .constant("appconfig", { "status": [ "in work", "review", "again in edit", "finished" ] }) //in html standard code sorting atm alphabetical <th> <a href="#" ng-click="sorttype='status.status';sortreverse = !sortreverse"> status <span ng-show="sorttype == 'status.status' && !sortreverse" class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> <span ng-show="sorttype == 'status.status' && sortreverse" class="fa fa-caret-up"></span> </a> <select class="form-control" ng-model="select.status.status"> <option value="">-- select --</option> <option ng-repeat='status in $ctrl.astatus' >{{status}}</option> </select> </th> <tr dir-paginate="t in $ctrl.gettasks() | filter:{name:k}| orderby: sorttype:sortreverse| filter:select|itemsperpage: 10 results"> <td class="td-selects"> <span uib-tooltip="{{t.notice}}" tooltip-popup-delay='500'> {{t.status.status}}</span> </td>
so sorting
again in edit
in work
, same in reverse. shall in "todo chain"->like in constant array be. this
in work
again in edit
, reverse.
can somehow add $index or sort works that?
can create plunker/fiddle
, post link same better understanding?
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