wordpress - Woocommerce - shipping multiple addresses -

has had issues woocommerce - shipping multiple addresses plugin? (https://woocommerce.com/products/shipping-multiple-addresses/) have few bugs need resolving complete project , wondered if had same issues have?

list of bugs:

  1. when first go checkout page shipping methods hidden. if don't want ship address , have set address in billing , shipping fields can place order without shipping methods. default shipping methods should hidden when multiple addresses selected in cases customers want ship products same address.

  2. when click set address change mind , don't change addresses, click save addresses , continue button ajax on address blocks loads on , on again on checkout page , gets stuck.

  3. when set address change them being same address shipping methods on checkout page inside address block cannot changed , gets stuck on same shipping option.

  4. when go add address form - checkout/shipping-addresses/?address-form=1 seems cannot delete address. when click delete hides , when go in re-appears on page again.

if has experienced of these issues , has solution them extremely grateful help!




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