unity3d - Get List of Youtube channels subscribe by current user in android? -

hello want list of channels subscribe current user in android.

steps follow:

1) https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions/list

by read description, created api key android , oauth key in google developer console , tired implement following request

get https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?part=snippet&mine=true&key={your_api_key}. can see have set part = snippet , mine = true.

for authentication followed https://developer.android.com/training/id-auth/authenticate.html

here code

accountmanager = accountmanager.get(this); bundle options = new bundle();  am.getauthtoken(     myaccount_,                     // account retrieved using getaccountsbytype()     "manage tasks",            // auth scope     options,                        // authenticator-specific options     this,                           // activity     new ontokenacquired(),          // callback called when token acquired     new handler(new onerror()));    // callback called if error occurs 

after adding proper permission can account in myaccount_

on call backbaack of tokenacquire

private class ontokenacquired implements accountmanagercallback<bundle> {     @override     public void run(accountmanagerfuture<bundle> result) {         // result of operation accountmanagerfuture.         bundle bundle = result.getresult();          // token named value in bundle. name of value         // stored in constant accountmanager.key_authtoken.         token = bundle.getstring(accountmanager.key_authtoken);         ...     } } 

i not getting token value.

please guide me. is there alternative approach or if have update/modify something?

my permission in xml are

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.account_manager" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.get_accounts" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.use_credentials" /> 

i getting error @ line token = bundle.getstring(accountmanager.key_authtoken); in catch of exception handling.

android.accounts.authenticatorexception. attempt invoke virtual method 'java.lang.string android.os.bundle.getstring(java.lang.string)' on null object reference

i using android 6.0 , require run time permission.

to access token according obtain access token, think need use valid scope 'https://gdata.youtube.com' youtube api. however, looking @ code, seems passed "manage tasks" auth scope. try setting 'https://gdata.youtube.com' instead.

with regard getting number of subscribers, try making rest call in android following uri request:

get https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?part=snippet&mysubscribers=true&fields=pageinfo&key={server_api_key} 

it returns json response totalresults represents number of subscribers:

{    "pageinfo": {    "totalresults": 2,    "resultsperpage": 5   } } 


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