r - Zooreg frequency warning -
suppose have following set of data:
date <- structure(c(1986, 1986.08333333333, 1986.16666666667), class = "yearmon") return <- structure(c(0.000827577426231287, 0.00386371801344005, 0.00382634819565989 ), .dim = 3l, .dimnames = list(c("1986-01", "1986-02", "1986-03" )))
i used following transform return array
zooreg(return, order.by = date)
it provides correct output warning:
jan 1986 feb 1986 mar 1986 0.0008275774 0.0038637180 0.0038263482
warning message: in zoo(data, order.by, frequency) : “order.by” , “frequency” not match: “frequency” ignored
the series strictly regular , order.by
, frequency
should match still couldn't figure out why there warning.
according documentation (?yearmon
the "yearmon" class used represent monthly data. internally holds data year plus 0 january, 1/12 february, 2/12 march , on in order internal representation same ts class frequency = 12.
zooreg(return, order.by = date)
is equivalent calling
zoo(return, order.by = date, frequency = 1)
according documentation zoo
under arguments::frequency
if specified, checked whether order.by , frequency comply.
hence warning. rid of warning, use
z <- zooreg(return, order.by = date, frequency = 12)
z <- zoo(return, order.by = date, frequency = 12)
both of these return object of class zooreg
str(z) ‘zooreg’ series jan 1986 mar 1986 data: named num [1:3] 0.000828 0.003864 0.003826 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "1986-01" "1986-02" "1986-03" index: class 'yearmon' num [1:3] 1986 1986 1986 frequency: 12
which according documentation (?zoo
this subclass of "zoo" relies on having "zoo" series additional "frequency" attribute (which has comply index of series)
i believe want.
note calling mismatched "order.by" , "frequency" using
z <- zooreg(return, order.by = date)
you zoo
str(z) ‘zoo’ series jan 1986 mar 1986 data: named num [1:3] 0.000828 0.003864 0.003826 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "1986-01" "1986-02" "1986-03" index: class 'yearmon' num [1:3] 1986 1986 1986
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