php - Unable to install phalcon 2.x on VPS from 1and1 hosting -

i ran troublesome issue.

i'm using 1 , 1 virtual private server redhat linux. server's default php version php 5.3.

i have installed php 5.5 on server. switch php 5.5 using alias php='path php'.

i run command php -v see if version has changed, indeed has - php version 5.5.

however still unable install phalcon, when run command ./install -i error message:

php 5.3 not supported.

any ideas how resolve problem?

alias not work in case because changes php path terminal, not globally.

i'm not redhat user can't give exact steps kinda dirty solution find php binary (on debian in /usr/bin/, /bin/ or /usr/local/bin), rename example php5.3 , in place make symbolic link new php.

remember php webserver (apache, nginx or whatever use) should have updated php! more, compile phalcon you'll need updated phpize , other dependencies. i'm not linux expert cannot tell parts of php5-dev did changed between php 5.3 , 5.5 , did not.

alternatively can clone github , install old phalcon 2.x great. new 3.0 doesn't have breaking features. it's killing feature php7 seems you're not going use. phalcon 2.x requires php5.4+

i belive there better ways how php update should performed don't know them.


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