mysql - May a database be completely overwritten for n times without danger to truncate data? -

a simple , maybe amateur question, but: ok table on database consistently (for example, every day) overwritten?

i data whole year beginning until every new day/week/month. , append new months, fear there new data past months in file. want overwrite table every time new file. ok table? mean can somehow corrupt it?

edit: context of question overwrite data in rapidminer tool, , don't know method uses this. should speak rapidminer support it.

replacing historical data reasonable approach. before loading new data, presumably doing 1 of these things:

  • truncating existing table
  • deleting rows
  • dropping table

only second of these runs risk fragmenting table. isn't big deal when data being loaded in bulk.

the bigger issue when historical data changes. then, results january may different because data changes. can difficult track, when have deleted older data.

the purpose of answer not offer solution problem (which not part of question). point out there other considerations beyond overwriting table.


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