windows - How to install BuDDy lib in Cygwin? -

i'm trying install buddy on windows using cygwin. found these instructions i'm having problems installing libbdd0-2.4-1bl4 requirement. also, when running cygport ./buddy-2.4-x.cygport all manual above, i'm getting error:

>>> buddy requires: >>> libbdd0 requires: cygwin libgcc1 libstdc++6 >>> libbdd-devel requires: libbdd0 

anyone knows how fix this?

it not error.
build buddy package , libbdd0 sub package of buddy. looks on buddy-*/dist directory

to install package easy way build own local repository , install buddy it. genini create local setup.ini;a=summary

genini --help usage: genini [--okmissing=key ...] [--recursive] [--output=file] [--help] [setup.ini] [dir ...] create cygwin setup.ini setup.ini, setup.hint , tar ball information.      --okmissing=key    don't warn if key missing setup.ini or setup.hint                        or if expected `source' or `install' tarballs                        missing. option may repeated. --okmissing=install                        useful if hint files contain `prev' or `test' entries                        missing tarballs. --okmissing=source useful                        local-only[*] srcless install media.     --recursive        recurse subdirectories of specified dirs     --output=file      output setup.ini info file     --help             display message  [*] wouldn't want violate gpl, you?  report bugs cygwin mailing list. 

how build local site:

create directory http%3a%2f%2fyoursitename%2f simulate local copy of web site.
create sub dirs chosen architectory noarch x86 x86_64.
recursive copy buddy-2.4-1bl4-arch/dist/buddy in chosen arch directory eg x86_64\buddy.

build local setup

genini --recursive noarch x86_64 > x86_64/setup.ini 

at point can use setup-x86_64.exe option -x install local copy.
setup-x86_64.exe has --help option report available options.


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