Report display nothing but blank pages when published -

my web application runs fine locally when published reports nothing blank pages. when check page elements using f12 button, there 4 errors:

failed load resource: net::err_name_not_resolved http://crystalreportviewers13//js/crviewer/crv.js failed load resource: net::err_name_not_resolved mastersection.aspx:64 uncaught referenceerror: bobj not defined mastersection.aspx:73 uncaught referenceerror: bobj not defined 

how can resolve these errors?

bobj not defined reason report coming blank. there few possible causes issue, there's solution each. paraphrase this article there 4 causes:

1. crystalreportviewers12 folder missing: copy folder crystalreportviewers12 c:inetpubwwwrootsystem_web2_0_50727 default website custom website in iis. or point virtual directory aspnet_client folder in directory.

2. application pool running under integrated mode when iis 7 used: select application pool in iis manger , go basic settings. under managed pipeline mode, change integrated mode classic mode.

3. wrong value assigned resourceuri key: change ~/crystalreportviewers12 instaed of /crystalreportviewers12

4. error occurs in development machine because .net framework can't find files needed report viewer: copy crystalreportviewers12 c:program filesbusiness objectscommon4.0 , paste c:windowsmicrosoft.netframeworkv3.5asp.netclientfiles.

your directories , framework might different if you're using newer version of vs.


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