python - 405 error when custom-defined PATCH method is called for Django REST APIView -

i making api call in test client:

response2 = self.client.patch('/object/update/%d/' %                                 object_id, {'object_attribute':4}) 

the relevant serializer , view class object:

class objectupdateserializer(serializers.modelserializer):     class meta:         model = object         include=('object_attribte','another_attribute',)  class objectview(apiview):     def patch(self, request, pk, format=none):         obj = object.objects.get(id=pk)         data =         """do stuff data here..."""         serializer = objectupdateserializer(instance = obj, data=data,                                             partial=true)         if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=true):                return response(,status.http_200_ok) 

i able work put method when used that, wanted have api call methods more in-line methods mean (so patch partial replacement). however, response test client call above this:

{u'detail': u'method "patch" not allowed.'} 

which 405 error (method not allowed).

i checked see if there issues django 1.10, , got output in django shell:

>>> django.views.generic import view >>> view.http_method_names [u'get', u'post', u'put', u'patch', u'delete', u'head', u'options', u'trace'] 

it appears if isn't issue django's settings, i've set up. issue here?

i faced same problem. appeared it's not allowed use different views same route:

urlpatterns = [     # ...     url('^sessions/?$', views.tokendelete.as_view()), # viewer has delete()     url('^sessions/?$', views.tokenedit.as_view()),   # viewer has patch() ] 

the correct way is:

urlpatterns = [     # ...     url('^sessions/?$', views.token.as_view()), # viewer has both patch() , delete() ] 


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