Auto generate multiple rows from one query php mysql -

i new here , have coders block, please assist, trying multiple results 1 query , create new rows of values it.e.g want row 1 generate row 2 , 3 row 1 general transaction, row 2 interest made row 1 1% , commission made in row 3 @ 0.5%, possible generate query output following results?

date       |  end date   |  shop  |  trans   |  amount  |  ref no -----------|-------------|--------|----------|----------|--------- 16/9/2016  |  16/10/2016 |   fgb  |   payed  |   10 000 |    251         15/10/2016 |  xxxxxxxxx  |   xxx  |   xxxx   |   100    |    251       15/10/2016 |  xxxxxxxxx  |   xxx  |   xxxx   |   50     |    251      

these results should in 1 table possible? in advance.

in mysql cannot make new row out that. but can create columns.

in case can run example like

select    *,    amount * 0.01 interest,    amount * 0.005 commission  your_mega_table; 

and if modify code can 3 versions of row different amounts.

otherwise need kind of cron script or trigger or stored procedure in database, solve case.


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