vb.net - Getting names of userproperties in VB script for outlook exchange users -

i have addressbook located on ms exchange server. want read user defined fields every contact. user list , can iterate on exchange users , print standard properties fullname , on.

for each addressentry in addresslist.addressentries     set user = addressentry.getexchangeuser()     if not user nothing         debug.print user.name     end if next 

but want read user properties don't know used names. tried iterate on user.userproperties.

for each userproperty in user.userproperties     debug.print userproperty.name next 

but not supported. is there way receive names of properties?

gal not support arbitrary properties store items (userproperties collection).

what user properties mean? in outlook ui see them? if want see mapi properries of specific gal object, can use outlookspy - click iaddrbook | open root container | etc. drill down particular entry.


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