ruby on rails - Can't figure out what's wrong with this error: syntax error, unexpected tLABEL, expecting '=', in my Rspec test? -

i getting error:

comments_controller_spec.rb:12: syntax error, unexpected tlabel, expecting '=' ...ate, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment)}.to...                            ^ 

when running spec file comments_controller_spec.rb:

require 'rails_helper' describe commentscontroller     describe "post #create"      comment = create(:comment)     post =      "properly creates comment"        expect{post :create, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment)}.to change(comment, :count).by(1)     end    end end 

which can gather reading other posts haven't closed block or hash. i've been looking on again , again , can't find isn't closed properly. seems pointing post method source of problem, believe have passed in of it's arguments. i'm not sure else wrong. can tell going on here? help.


i changed test this:

it "properly creates comment"         expect {post(:create, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment))}.to change(comment, :count).by(1) end 

and error message is:

commentscontroller post #create creates comment      failure/error: expect {post(:create, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment))}.to change(comment, :count).by(1)       argumenterror:        wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0)      # ./spec/controllers/comments_controller_spec.rb:13:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'      # ./spec/controllers/comments_controller_spec.rb:13:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>' 

and here post_factory.rb:

factorygirl.define     factory :post      content "this post content!"     user   end end 

i believe change matcher expects block:

expect{post :create, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment)}.to change{ comment.count }.by(1) 

if that's not it, try adding brackets around arguments post, thinking perhaps parser having issues:

expect{ post(:create, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment)) }.to change{ comment.count }.by(1) 

as last resort, do:

expect   post(:create, post_id:, comment: attributes_for(:comment)) change{ comment.count }.by(1) 


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