javascript - window beforeunload is not working as expected in jquery -

basically trying was, whenever user tries close current tab(when on site), want display pop 3 choices why leaving , want store choice where

so have written following in main.js loaded through entire site pages

$(document).ready(function() {   // before closing current tab, ask user reason     $(window).on('beforeunload', function(event){       $('#load_choices_up').click();       event.stoppropagation();       event.preventdefault();       debugger;     }); }); 

so have 3 issues above jquery code

*.this code executing when click link on same page(i mean if navigate page current page), want code run when current tab/page closed(about close) completely, not when navigating page on site

*. after line $('#load_choices_up').click() executed, choices pop opening expected, default processing of browser(that closing functionality) not being stopped 2 lines event.stoppropagation(); , event.preventdefault();, mean these 2 methods of stopping behaviour not working , browser closed, want processing based on user choices input , based on close tab.

*. when used return "why want leave page", instead of choices pop up, browser displaying different message based on browser type "you have unsaved changes" in chrome, , different message in firefox, instead of displaying custom message

so finally, why event.stoppropagation(); , event.preventdefault(); not working ? , why can't able display custom message ?

you can't prevent closing browser. obvious security reasons. imagine spam-website preventing closing website while pumping full of god knows what.

you can @ pull 1 function alert() or prompt. after user closes them, tab close either way.

beforeunload extremely short-timed. won't able run massive scripts it, user close tap before script run properly. (i tried ajax call, didn't work)

so, if you're able options want in there, moment user chooses 1 of options, you're not going able save anywhere. script never make far.

you can customize "are sure?" message so:

$(document).ready(function() {     window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {        return 'dialog text here.';     }; }); 

but again, can change text. it's browser's native functionality, , cannot change it.


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