c++ - Awesomium Header throws compiler Error "'ProcessHandle' does not name a type" -

i'm trying setup simple web client fetch data remote website. unfortunately, information want being fetched javascript after page loaded ...

i decided use awesomium framework first build page view browser, , analyse resulting html.

but pretty fast run first problem while building first awesomium program (namely tutorial 1 - hello awesomium)

when try compile project, compiler exits error message

c:\program files (x86)\awesomium technologies llc\awesomium sdk\\include/awesomium/webview.h:110:11: error: 'processhandle' not name type

i'm not experienced 3rd party dependencies in c++, since work java.

i appreciate hints , advice resolve problem, if possible explanation why.

project description:

additionally have included awesomium\include directory. library lookup path includes awesomium\build\lib directory. additional library references awesomium.

i use eclipse neon ide, , cygwin , gcc compiler/linker added '-m32' flag c/c++ compiler , linker, compile 32bit (required awesomium)

my class looks this: (from tutorial)

#include <awesomium/webcore.h> #include <awesomium/bitmapsurface.h> #include <awesomium/stlhelpers.h>  // various macro definitions #define width   800 #define height  600 #define url     "http://www.google.com"  using namespace awesomium;  // our main program int main() {      // create webcore singleton default configuration     webcore* web_core = webcore::initialize(webconfig());     // create new webview instance width , height     webview* view = web_core->createwebview(width, height);     // load url our webview instance     weburl url(wslit(url));     view->loadurl(url);     // wait our webview finish loading     while (view->isloading())       web_core->update();      // sleep bit , update once more give scripts , plugins     // on page chance finish loading.     web_core->update();     return 0; } 

any appreciated , thank's in advance.


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