mongodb - Export data by following JSON Schema -

i have many fields on mongodb, want export these out appear on json schema.

this json schema, want these fields .csv:

{   "names": [     {       "source": 0,       "order": 0,       "version": 0,       "registrationdate": "",       "enddate": "",       "name": "",       "language": ""     }   ],   "auxiliarynames": [     {       "source": 0,       "order": 0,       "version": 0,       "registrationdate": "",       "enddate": "",       "name": "",       "language": ""     }   ],   "addresses": [     {       "source": 0,       "version": 0,       "registrationdate": "",       "enddate": "",       "careof": "",       "street": "",       "postcode": "",       "city": "",       "language": "",       "type": 0,       "country": ""     }   ] 


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