ember.js - EmberJS Testing always passes -

new emberjs. i'm trying testing going.. having basic trouble seems. generated acceptance test -- taken straight ember site.

import { test } 'qunit'; import moduleforacceptance 'ssd-admin-ember/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance';  moduleforacceptance('acceptance | login');  test('visiting /login', function(assert) {   visit('/xxxlogin');    andthen(function() {     assert.equal(currenturl(), '/abclogin');   }); }); 

i run with:

ember test --filter 'acceptance/login-test' 

this yields...

ok 1 phantomjs 2.1 - jshint | acceptance/login-test.js: should pass jshint  1..1 # tests 1 # pass  1 # skip  0 # fail  0 # ok 

how can possibly pass? there no xxxlogin route etc.

i must doing wrong (clearly).

thanks in advance...

you not running test. run jshint checks. , ok file.

you not running test because filter statement wrong. should be:

ember test --filter "acceptance | login" 


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