c# - Flatten xml with text and element nodes using LINQ to XML -

i need process/flatten incoming xml in fashion.

source xml:

<paragraph>         <content stylecode="underline">is</content>          <content stylecode="italic">             <content stylecode="underline">                 <content stylecode="bold">hello</content> world              </content> test</content> <content stylecode="bold">example</content> here.     </paragraph> 

target xml:

<paragraph>     <content stylecode="underline">is</content> <content stylecode="italic underline bold">hello</content> <content stylecode="italic underline">world</content> <content stylecode="italic">test</content> <content stylecode="bold">example</content> here. </paragraph> 

i prefer use linq xml realize children text nodes next content element nodes make different task now.

another idea had use regular expression combine innerxml @ every step inserting closing </content> before child node , opening <content> after it, update stylecode attributes accordingly, addbeforeself , remove old node. have not succeeded idea either.

any ideas, solutions appreciated.

besides combining , flattening content nodes, have lowercase combined stylecode attributes, that's easiest part obviously:

xdocument xml = xdocument.parse(sourcexml); xname contentnode = xname.get("content", "mynamespace"); var contentnodes = xml.descendants(contentnode); var renames = contentnodes.where(x => x.attribute("stylecode") != null); foreach (xelement node in renames.toarray()) {     node.attribute("stylecode").value = node.attribute("stylecode").value.tolower(); } 

you can recursively - go node node collecting styles, when comes text, wrap content tag tags found far. code below:

static void mergestyles(string xml) {     xdocument doc = xdocument.parse(xml);     var desc = doc.document.elements();     go(doc.root, new list<string>());     console.writeline(target); }  static string target = ""; static void go(xelement node, list<string> styles) {     foreach (var child in node.nodes())     {         if (child.nodetype == xmlnodetype.text)         {             if (styles.count > 0)             {                 target += string.format(                     "<content stylecode=\"{0}\">{1}</content>",                     string.join(" ", styles.select(s => s.tolower())),                     child.tostring(saveoptions.disableformatting));             }             else             {                 target += child.tostring(saveoptions.disableformatting);             }         }         else if (child.nodetype == xmlnodetype.element)         {             var element = (xelement)child;             if (element.name == "content")             {                 string style = element.attributes("stylecode").single().value;                 styles.add(style);                 go(element, styles);                 styles.removeat(styles.count - 1);             }         }     } } 


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