ssl - cipher suite specs using TLSv1.2 only and no SSLv3 TLSv1.2:!aNULL:!eNULL -
when using vpn-like connection between 2 servers (not web servers or it), besides authentication enable encryption.
the authentication portion working, wanted @ encryption level.
i know tlsv1.2 , v1.1 supported alongside wih sslv3.
i use tlsv1.2 , nothing else.
is the correct cipher suite use?
information seems not helpful...
can this matter?
i use tlsv1.2 , nothing else.
if want use tls 1.2 have configure protocol , not ciphers. limiting ciphers tls 1.2 ciphers drops support ciphers available since ssl 3.0 , still supported tls 1.2. depending on peer might end no shared ciphers way.
if still want restrict ciphers might try string tlsv1.2:!anull:!enull
. make use ciphers newly introduced in tls 1.2 , implicitly enforce protocol. again, no guarantee server supports these ciphers if server can tls 1.2 protocol.
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