notifications - Warning in Xcode 8: Instance method nearly matches optional requirement -

i trying implement local notifications in ios10, , far it not working.

i warning around delegate methods:

instance method 'usernotificationcenter(_:didreceive:withcompletionhandler:)'      matches optional requirement 'usernotificationcenter(_:didreceive:withcompletionhandler:)' of protocol 'unusernotificationcenterdelegate' 

as solution xcode suggests 2 options: 1.make private 2.make @nonobjc

why that? why need it? , important, how make these methods work?

enter image description here

xcode 8 beta 6 introduced many swift 3 changes, 1 of @escaping keyword mark closures might used after method returns. completion handlers escaping closures, because might show information user, wait feedback, , then call completion handler – method return , keep reference closure, rather blocking.

i expect there xcode 8 gm issued in next few hours, right xcode doesn't insert @escaping attribute it's needed, what's causing error. 2 fix-its being offered red herrings, i'm afraid.

try writing method instead:

func usernotificationcenter(_ center: unusernotificationcenter, didreceive response: unnotificationresponse, withcompletionhandler completionhandler: @escaping () -> void) { 

edit: xcode 8 gm available, , correctly inserts @escaping when needed.


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