javascript - Get number of image files and switching between them -

i've directory containing few image files [for example 4 files], want number of images existing in directory , show first image , allow users switch between images using controller elements , show number of image showing between it. example: i've 4 images , page shows first image , text " << 1/4 >> " , when user clicks on next button shows next image , text changes " << 2/4 >> " , ... can show me foundation of work? mean can tell me i've (not needed attach codes). use angularjs in page now, if it's needed can use jquery ( if it's not possible using angularjs ).

this html page although think it's not helpful:

<?php require ('functions.php');mob_check(); ?>      <!doctype html>     <html lang="fa-ir" data-ng-app="projects" data-ng-controller="projects_controller">     <!-- website design mohsen_nirouzad -->      <head>         <!-- adding meta information -->         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">         <meta name="author" content="mohsen nirouzad -">         <!-- defining stylesheets not delete bellow codes if don't have enough knowledge of web design -->         <!-- used w3data.min.js javascript templating engine you've change bellow information in script tag -->         <meta charset="utf-8">         <title>{{page_title}}</title>         <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/app.css">         <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/font-awesome.min.css">         <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/w3rtl.min.css">         <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/imagehover.min.css">         <script src="assets/js/angular.min.js"></script>         <style>             img {                 width: 100px;                 height: 100px;             }              #second_imglist {                 position: relative;                 right: -100px;             }              #squares {                 position: absolute;                 top: 630px;                 right: 400px;             }              #imgset {                 position: relative;                 top: 30px;             }              #img_controllers {                 position: relative;                 top: 90px;             }         </style>     </head>      <body>         <?php require 'variables/date.php'; ?>             <nav class="w3-sidenav w3-white" style="width:15%" id="mysidenav">                 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="english w3-medium">                     <?php echo (date('l d m y')); ?>                 </a>                 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="w3-medium"><span><?php $today=persianday(date("l"));echo $today;?></span>   <span><?php echo (date('d m y')); ?></span></a>                 <a href="engineers.php" id="first_menuitem">مهندسین مشاور سرابن</a>                 <a href="projects.php" class="w3-no-opacity w3-large">پروژه ها</a>                 <a href="research.php">پژوهش</a>                 <a href="contact.php">ارتباط با ما</a>                 <a href="members.php">اعضا</a>                 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="english">english</a>                 <div class="w3-center" style="margin-top:50px;">                     <a href="index.php" id="linkimg"><img src="assets/img/logo.jpg"></a>                 </div>             </nav>             <?php /*     if ($_get['v']==='desktopview'){         echo '<div data-ng-include="\'variables/sidenav.php\'"></div>';     } elseif ($_get['v']==='mobileview'){         echo '<div data-ng-include="\'variables/sidenav-responsive.html\'"></div>';     }     if ($_get['v']==='desktopview'){         echo '<div id="main" style="margin-right: calc(15% + 100px)" class="w3-row-padding">';     } elseif ($_get['v']==='mobileview'){         echo '<div id="main" class="w3-row-padding">';     }     if ($_get['v']==='mobileview'){         echo '<span class="w3-opennav w3-text-black w3-xlarge" onclick="w3_open()" id="opennav">&#9776;</span>';     }     */?>                 <div id="main" style="margin-right: calc(15% + 100px)" class="w3-row-padding">                     <div class="w3-col s6">                         <div data-ng-include="'variables/logo1.html'"></div>                         <div class="w3-row w3-margin-top" id="imgset">                             <div class="w3-col s6" id="first_imglist">                                 <div>                                     <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage(1)">                                         <img data-ng-src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                         <figcaption>                                             <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                             <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                         </figcaption>                                         <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                     </figure>                                 </div>                                 <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" data-ng-click="selectimage()" alt="example-image">                                     <figcaption>                                         <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                         <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                     </figcaption>                                     <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                 </figure>                                 <div>                                     <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                         <figcaption>                                             <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                             <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                         </figcaption>                                         <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                     </figure>                                 </div>                                 <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                     <figcaption>                                         <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                         <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                     </figcaption>                                     <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                 </figure>                              </div>                             <div class="w3-col s6" id="second_imglist">                                 <div>                                     <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                         <figcaption>                                             <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                             <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                         </figcaption>                                         <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                     </figure>                                 </div>                                 <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                     <figcaption>                                         <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                         <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                     </figcaption>                                     <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                 </figure>                                  <div>                                     <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                         <figcaption>                                             <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                             <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                         </figcaption>                                         <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                     </figure>                                 </div>                                 <figure class="imghvr-zoom-out-right" data-ng-click="selectimage()"><img src="{{img1}}" alt="example-image">                                     <figcaption>                                         <h3>سلام دنیا!</h3>                                         <p>این یک متن نمونه است!</p>                                     </figcaption>                                     <a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>                                 </figure>                             </div>                          </div>                     </div>                     <div class="w3-col s6 w3-center" id="img_controllers">                         <img data-ng-src="{{selectedimage}}" data-ng-if="selectimage" style="width:100% !important;height:100% !important;margin-top:100px" class="w3-hover-opacity w3-round-small">                         <div>                             <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-ng-click="increasenumber()"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a> {{activenumber}}/{{imagesnumber}}                             <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-ng-click="decreasenumber()"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></a>                             <a href="javascript:void(0)" data-ng-click="remove()" class="pull-left"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></a>                         </div>                     </div>                 </div>                 <div data-ng-include="'variables/footer.html'"></div>                 <div class="w3-center" id="squares">                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a>                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></a>                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></a>                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></a>                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></a>                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></a>                     <a href="javascript:void(0)" hreflang="fa-ir" data-ng-click=""><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i></a>                 </div>                 <script src="assets/js/projects.js"></script>                 <script>                     <?php     if ($_get['v']==='mobileview'){         echo 'function w3_open() {         document.getelementbyid("main").style.marginright = "25%";         document.getelementbyid("mysidenav").style.width = "25%";         document.getelementbyid("mysidenav").style.display = "block";         document.getelementbyid("opennav").style.display = \'none\';     }      function w3_close() {         document.getelementbyid("main").style.marginright = "0%";         document.getelementbyid("mysidenav").style.display = "none";         document.getelementbyid("opennav").style.display = "inline-block";     }';     }     ?>                 </script>     </body>      </html> 


// start angularjs application var application = angular.module('projects', []);  // setting conroller application.controller('projects_controller', function ($scope) {     $scope.page_title = 'پروژه ها',         $scope.img1 = 'assets/img/example-image.jpg',         $scope.selectimage = function () {             $scope.selectedimage = $scope.img1;         };     //$scope.selectedimage = $scope.img1;     $scope.imagesnumber = 12,         $scope.firstnumber = 1,         $scope.activenumber = $scope.firstnumber,         $scope.increasenumber = function () {             if ($scope.activenumber === $scope.imagesnumber) {                 $scope.activenumber = $scope.firstnumber;             } else {                 $scope.activenumber++;             }         }     $scope.decreasenumber = function () {             if ($scope.activenumber === $scope.firstsnumber) {                 $scope.activenumber = $scope.imagesnumber;             } else {                 $scope.activenumber--;             }         },         $scope.remove = function () {             document.getelementbyid('img_controllers').style.display = 'none';         }; }); 

i going write image pagination static logic,i think can you.


<img src="first image url" id="1_image" class="image-element"> <img src="second image url" id="2_image" class="image-element"> <img src="third image url" id="3_image" class="image-element">  <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="1" class="pagination-link"> <br> <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="2" class="pagination-link"> <br> <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="3" class="pagination-link"> 


    $( document ).ready(function() {       //hide images in load event       $('.image-element').hide();        //show default 1 image in load event.       $('#1').show();        $(.pagination-link).on('click','.pagination-link',function{            //hide images using class.            $('.image-element').hide('slow');            var link_id = $(this).id();            //show particular 1 image using id            $('#'+link_id+"_image").show('slow');       })     }); 


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