angularjs - UI-Router and Query Parameters in a Redirect -

using angular's ui-router, there way write redirects, such query parameters populated target state. example, here's state:

.state('me.profile', {   url: '/profile?action',   templateurl: '/app/components/account/profile/profile.html',   controller: 'profilectrl',   authenticate: true }) 

specific actions can passing in via query parameter. example: 

however, wish able provide pretty urls user. example: 

can write redirect statement, populates desired query parameters on route. following code not working, since query param ?action=editpayment gets lost when user redirected target state.

$urlrouterprovider.when('/profile/edit', '/profile?action=editprofile'); 

inplace of ?action change to:

url: '/profile/:action', 

inject $stateparams , read action in controller

 var action = $stateparams.action; 


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