python - GAE NDB Expando Model with dynamic Kind -
is possible assign dynamic entity kind expando model? example, want use model many types of dynamic entities:
class dynamic(ndb.expando): """ handles "post types", such pages, posts, users, products, etc... """ col = ndb.stringproperty() parent = ndb.integerproperty() name = ndb.stringproperty() slug = ndb.stringproperty()
right use "col" stringproperty
hold kind (like "pages", "posts", etc) , query "col" every time.
after reading docs, stumbled upon @classmethod:
class mymodel(ndb.model): @classmethod def _get_kind(cls): return 'anotherkind'
does mean can this?
class dynamic(ndb.expando): """ handles "post types", such pages, posts, users, products, etc... """ col = ndb.stringproperty() parent = ndb.integerproperty() name = ndb.stringproperty() slug = ndb.stringproperty() @classmethod def _get_kind(cls): return 'anotherkind'
but how dynamically replace 'anotherkind'? can return col
i don't know if can that, sounds dangerous, , gae updates might break code.
using subclasses seems safer alternative. this:
class dynamic(ndb.expando): parent = ndb.integerproperty() name = ndb.stringproperty() slug = ndb.stringproperty() class pages(dynamic): pass class posts(dynamic): pass class users(dynamic): pass
you try using polymodel
we need know more application , trying accomplish give more specific advice.
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