java - BigInteger valueOf method cannot find symbol -

i created array consisting biginteger objects. when want assign numbers array, cannot find symbol error. can me? that's code:

import*; import java.util.*; import java.math.biginteger;  public class solution {     public static void main(string[] args)      {         scanner in = new scanner(;         int t1= in.nextint();         int t2= in.nextint();         int n= in.nextint();          biginteger[] arr = new biginteger[n];         arr[0] = new biginteger.valueof(t1);         arr[1] = new biginteger.valueof(t2);      } } 

input values 0 1 5. , error: error: cannot find symbol         arr[0] = new biginteger.valueof(t1);                                ^   symbol:   class valueof   location: class biginteger error: cannot find symbol         arr[1] = new biginteger.valueof(t2);                                ^   symbol:   class valueof   location: class biginteger 2 errors 

valueof static method

arr[0] = biginteger.valueof(t1); 


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