Inno Setup Start menu uninstall shortcut is not shown on Windows 10 -

i've got issue seems specific windows 10 start menu uninstall shortcut create in setup. shortcut not shown.
however, others shortcuts create shown well...

here value defaultgroupname:


here entries shortcuts in [icons] section:

[icons] name: "{group}\{#myappname} {#myappversion}"; filename: "{app}\myexename.exe"; workingdir: "{app}" name: "{commondesktop}\{#myappname} {#myappversion}"; filename: "{app}\myexename.exe"; workingdir: "{app}"; iconfilename: "{app}\myexename.exe" name: "{userappdata}\microsoft\internet explorer\quick launch\{#myappname} {#myappversion}"; filename: "{app}\myexename.exe"; workingdir: "{app}"; tasks: quicklaunchicon name: "{group}\{cm:uninstallprogram, {#myappname} {#myappversion}}"; filename: "{uninstallexe}"; workingdir: "{app}"; iconfilename: "{app}\remove.ico" name: "{group}\{cm:shortcut_sav}"; filename: "{code:getdatadir}" 

i've tried simple entry too:

name: "{group}\uninstall program"; filename: "{uninstallexe}" 

but shortcut still not shown.

note works fine in previous version of windows...

do have idea on this? i've search have not found topic related specific problem.

windows 8 , newer employs lots of optimizations start menu reduce number of items shown.

for example won't display 2 shortcuts pointing same target, no matter, if shortcuts have different labels or placed in different menu folders.

you victim of such optimization.

anyway, trying against windows guidelines:

  • you should not use start menu folders in windows 8 , newer.
  • you should not add shortcut uninstaller start menu, on version of windows. user should go control panel or settings app uninstall program (that's possible explanation, why shortcut not shown).


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