scala - Akka remoting: Remote subscribed event listener custom serialising a Watch message -
i have following remote actor set up.
actorsystem.actorselection(remoteconfig.getstring("/myeventlistener")).resolveone().map{ar => actorsystem.eventstream.subscribe(ar, classof[myevent]) }
i have own custom serialization. issue gets sent watch message has following signature:
private[akka] final case class watch(watchee: internalactorref, watcher: internalactorref) extends systemmessage
which not straight forward serialize. suggestions on how proceed on one? sending remote message references internalactorref seems bit of odd one.
and note use other remote actors directly (not event listeners), these dont sent watch message:
val emailservice = actorsystem.actorselection(remoteconfig.getstring("/emailcommandhandler"))
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