python - when i made a 3 handshake with ubuntu in VMware return package R -
#!/usr/bin/python scapy.all import * def findweb(): = sr1(ip(dst="")/udp()/dns(qd=dnsqr(qname="")),verbose=0) return a[dnsrr].rdata def sendpacket(dst,src): ip = ip(dst = dst) syn = tcp(sport=1500, dport=80, flags='s') synack = sr1(ip/syn) my_ack = synack.seq + 1 ack = tcp(sport=1050, dport=80, flags='a', ack=my_ack) send(ip/ack) payload = "stuff" push = tcp(sport=1050, dport=80, flags='pa', seq=11, ack=my_ack) send(ip/push/payload) http = sr1(ip/tcp()/'get /index.html http/1.0 \n\n',verbose=0) print src = '' dst = findweb() sendpacket(dst,src)
i'm trying http packets scapy using ubuntu on vmwaer
the problem every time send messages have reset how fix it?
few things notice wrong. 1. have sequence number set statically (seq=11) wrong. sequence numbers randomly generated , must used per rfc793. sequence should = synack[tcp].ack
you set source port 1500 during syn packet, use 1050 (typo?)
you don't need payload/push.
also, have @ these threads:
how create http request scapy?
python-scapy or like-how can create http request @ packet level
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