javascript - YouTube Auto-Like script not working until I refresh -
i not author of code , have no prior experience code, credits go original author, joesimmons. problem having code works fine, works when either refresh youtube video page or go link directly, google search. i'd know if able me out in fixing issue. of course, i'm not experienced @ simplest of scripts. thankyou in advance! apologise if tagging on question wrong, said earlier i'm clueless.
// ==userscript== // @name youtube auto-like videos // @namespace // @description automatically clicks 'like' button // @include http://**v=* // @include*v=* // @include https://**v=* // @include*v=* // @copyright joesimmons // @version 1.1.02 // @license gpl version 3 or later version; // @require // @require'%20library.js?version=7915 // @require // @grant gm_getvalue // @grant gm_setvalue // @grant gm_registermenucommand // ==/userscript== /* changelog 1.1.02 (6/7/2015) - fixed script 1.1.01 (3/14/2015) - fixed bug of liking videos when username list empty 1.1.0 (3/13/2015) - added new option allow auto-liking of videos subscribed channels 1.0.40 (3/12/2015) - adapted youtube changing like/dislike buttons' classes 1.0.39 (1/26/2015) - changed timeout of script waits real 30 seconds, not x amout of intervals should more accurate, on weaker computers browsers freeze , intervals overlap 1.0.38 (1/19/2015) - adapted page change (different class name of author link) 1.0.37 (9/8/2014) - adapted new youtube style - fixed issue channel names punctuation in them not getting "liked" 1.0.36 (12/17/2013) - added user-script command options 1.0.35 (12/14/2013) - started using youtube button container - made code more readable using jsl , @requires 1.0.34 - added compatibility opera & chrome */ (function () { 'use strict'; var t = 0, tmax = 30, spaceregex = /([ \t]+)|(\n[ \r\n\r]+\n)/g, newlineregex = /\n/g, uregex = /\/user\/(\w+)/i, spaces = /\s+/g, rblank = /^\s*$/, rvideoid = /[&?]v=([a-za-z0-9-_]+)/, rsubscribed = /^true$/i, runclicked = /like-button-renderer-(dis)?like-button-unclicked/, intv, pass, auto_like_list, timestart, likesubscribedchannels; // click joesimmons function click(element, type) { var eventobject = document.createevent('mouseevents'); element = typeof element === 'string' ? document.getelementbyid(element) : element; type = typeof type === 'string' ? type : 'click'; if (element.isjsl === true) { element = element[0]; } if (element) { eventobject.initmouseevent(type, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); element.dispatchevent(eventobject); } } function waitforshare() { var sharebox = jsl('#watch-action-panels'), shareclosebutton = jsl('#action-panel-dismiss'); // close share box after appears if (sharebox.visible) { window.settimeout(click, 750, shareclosebutton); } else { window.settimeout(waitforshare, 250); } } function ispressed(e) { return e.attribute('class').match(runclicked) == null; } function dolike() { var author = jsl('#watch7-user-header .yt-user-info a.g-hovercard'), = jsl('#watch8-sentiment-actions'), dislike = jsl('#watch8-sentiment-actions'), subbox = jsl('#watch7-subscription-container span .yt-uix-subscription-button'), authorhref = '', authortext = '', usernamehref = '', usernametext = ''; // quit trying auto-like after 15 seconds if ( ( - timestart) > 15000) { jsl.clearinterval(intv); // throw new error('warning: 30 seconds elapsed; failed auto-like video id: ' + window.location.href.match(rvideoid)[1] ); } // check if author link, button, or sub box don't exist if (!author.exists || !like.exists || !subbox.exists) { throw new error('error: either author link, button, or sub box not exist.'); } // grab author text , href authortext = author.text(); authorhref = author.prop('href'); // figure out username of video author if ( authorhref.match(uregex) ) { usernamehref = authorhref.match(uregex)[1]; } usernametext = authortext.replace(spaces, ''); // try click if ( gm_config.get('auto') === true || ( auto_like_list.match(rblank) == null && ( usernamehref.match(pass) || usernametext.match(pass) ) ) || (likesubscribedchannels === true && subbox.attribute('data-is-subscribed').match(rsubscribed) ) ) { if ( !ispressed(like) && !ispressed(dislike) ) { window.settimeout(click, 750, like); jsl.clearinterval(intv); // if enabled, close "share" box appears after liking video if (gm_config.get('closeshare') === true) { window.settimeout(waitforshare, 3500); } } } } // make sure page not in frame if (window.frameelement || window !== { return; } if (typeof gm_registermenucommand === 'function') { gm_registermenucommand('youtube auto-like options',; } gm_config.init('youtube auto-like options', { auto : { section : ['main options'], label : 'auto-like videos?', type : 'checkbox', 'default' : true, title : 'enabling make "like" videos' }, closeshare : { label : 'auto-close share box after liking', type : 'checkbox', 'default' : false, title : 'enabling close share box after video gets "liked"' }, likesubscribedchannels : { label : 'auto-like videos subscribed channels', type : 'checkbox', 'default' : false, title : 'if video uploaded channel you\'re subscribed to, it' }, list : { section : ['specific usernames'], label : 'list usernames of users\' videos want auto-like.', type : 'textarea', cols : 80, rows : 20, 'default' : 'write usernames here separated lines', title : 'this feature enabled if previous feature disabled.' } }); object.defineproperty(string.prototype, 'prepareregex', { enumerable : false, value : function () { return this.replace(/[*^&$.()?+{}|\[\]\/\\]/g, '\\$&'); } }); auto_like_list = gm_config.get('list'); likesubscribedchannels = gm_config.get('likesubscribedchannels'); // convert list of channel names regular expression pass = new regexp('(' + auto_like_list.trim().replace(spaceregex, '').prepareregex().replace(newlineregex, '|') + ')', 'i'); // run function when page loaded jsl.runat('end', function() { addbuttontocontainer('auto-like options',; // try 'like' video 30 seconds max window.settimeout(function () { timestart =; intv = jsl.setinterval(function () { dolike(); }, 750); }, 1000); }); }());
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