ios - Code Sign Error - Profile not available in XCode -

i trying build/sign update application haven't built on mac before. logged same developer account , have published other apps on machine.

when try verification before uploading store following error:

code sign error: no matching provisioning profiles found: no provisioning profiles valid signing identity (i.e. certificate , private key pair) matching bundle identifier “” found.

i tried obvious solution of preferences -> accounts -> details -> download strange part there profile does not show up yet can see while logged apple developer site. it's right there , expires 9/29/2017 fact not show in xcode strange me.

i hope missing step building existing app on new machine because have never issues process before. insight appreciated!

you should go old mac machine & export necessary keychains certificates. once certificates exported.

now can install certificates on new mac double clicking on certificated files. solve problem.


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