ios - How can i create array in ascending order when multiple Dictionary in Array -

i have 1 array multiple dictionary object keys date , type want arrange array in ascending order date key.

my array :

( {     date = "06 september 2016";     type = photo; },     {     date = "06 september 2016";     type = video; },     {     date = "07 september 2016";     type = photo; },     {     date = "07 september 2016";     type = video; },     {     date = "06 september 2016";     type = photo; },     {     date = "06 september 2016";     type = photo; },     {     date = "07 september 2016";     type = photo; }, {     date = "01 october 2016";     type = photo; }, {     date = "06 september 2016";     type = photo;     } ) 

please me. how can arrange in ascending order date.

you need use sortedarrayusingcomparator way sort date string. first convert date string nsdate using nsdateformatter , compare.

nsdateformatter *df = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init]; [df setdateformat:@"dd mmmm yyyy"]; nsarray *sortedarray = [yourarray sortedarrayusingcomparator:^nscomparisonresult(nsdictionary *obj1, nsdictionary *obj2) {     nsdate *d1 = [df datefromstring:(nsstring*)[obj1 objectforkey:@"date"]];     nsdate *d2 = [df datefromstring:(nsstring*)[obj2 objectforkey:@"date"]];     return [d1 compare: d2]; }]; 


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