javascript - Angular JS and Spring - how to filter JSON Object -

i try put json object frontend backend via angular js , java spring using jhipster framework. json object looks follows:

{ "anzahl": 0, "category": 0, "id": 0, "parkraumid": 0, "timestamp": "2016-09-07t12:59:04.290z", "wochentag": 0 } 

but save in database via spring repository method createcrowdsource(crowdsource) need filter out values wochentag , anzahl following json object:

{ "category": 0, "id": 0, "parkraumid": 0, "timestamp": "2016-09-07t12:59:04.290z" } 

i tried specifying fields: 'category', 'id', 'parkraumid', 'timestamp' in following angular js controller , parameter in spring resource @requestparam string fields somehow doesn´t work.

angular controller:

function save() {             vm.issaving = true;             if ( !== null) {                 //json needs these 2 attributes                  console.log('updating!')                 crowdsource.update(vm.crowdsource, onsavesuccess, onsaveerror, {fields: 'category', 'id', 'parkraumid', 'timestamp'});             } else {        , onsavesuccess, onsaveerror);             }         }  save() 

angular service:

(function () {     'use strict';     angular         .module('bahnapp')         .factory('crowdsource', crowdsource);      crowdsource.$inject = ['$resource', 'dateutils'];      function crowdsource($resource, dateutils) {         var resourceurl = 'api/crowdsources/:siteid';          return $resource(resourceurl, {}, {             'query': {method: 'get', isarray: true},             'get': {                 method: 'get',                 transformresponse: function (data) {                     if (data) {                         data = angular.fromjson(data);                         data.timestamp = dateutils.convertdatetimefromserver(data.timestamp);                     }                     return data;                 }             },             'update': {                 method: 'put',              }         });     }   })(); 

spring resource:

/**  * put  /crowdsources : updates existing crowdsource.  *  * @param crowdsource crowdsource update  * @return responseentity status 200 (ok) , body updated crowdsource,  * or status 400 (bad request) if crowdsource not valid,  * or status 500 (internal server error) if crowdsource couldnt updated  * @throws urisyntaxexception if location uri syntax incorrect  */ @requestmapping(value = "/crowdsources",     method = requestmethod.put,     produces = mediatype.application_json_value) @timed public responseentity<crowdsource> updatecrowdsource(@requestparam string fields, @requestbody crowdsource crowdsource) throws urisyntaxexception {     log.debug("rest request update crowdsource : {}", crowdsource);     log.debug(crowdsource.tostring());     if (crowdsource.getid() == null) {          return createcrowdsource(crowdsource);     }     crowdsource result =;;     return responseentity.ok()         .headers(headerutil.createentityupdatealert("crowdsource", crowdsource.getid().tostring()))         .body(result); } 


/**  * crowdsource.  */ @entity @table(name = "crowdsource") @cache(usage = cacheconcurrencystrategy.nonstrict_read_write) @document(indexname = "crowdsource") @jsonfilter("myfilter") public class crowdsource implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      @id     @generatedvalue(strategy =     private long id;      @column(name = "category")     private integer category;      @column(name = "timestamp")     private zoneddatetime timestamp;      @column(name = "parkraum_id")     private integer parkraumid;       private integer anzahl;      private integer wochentag;       public integer getanzahl() {         return anzahl;     }      public void setanzahl(integer anzahl) {         this.anzahl = anzahl;     }      public integer getwochentag() {         return wochentag;     }      public void setwochentag(integer wochentag) {         this.wochentag = wochentag;     }      public long getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(long id) { = id;     }      public integer getcategory() {         return category;     }      public void setcategory(integer category) {         this.category = category;     }      public zoneddatetime gettimestamp() {         return timestamp;     }      public void settimestamp(zoneddatetime timestamp) {         this.timestamp = timestamp;     }      public integer getparkraumid() {         return parkraumid;     }      public void setparkraumid(integer parkraumid) {         this.parkraumid = parkraumid;     }       @override     public boolean equals(object o) {         if (this == o) return true;         if (o == null || getclass() != o.getclass()) return false;          crowdsource = (crowdsource) o;          if (id != null ? !id.equals( : != null) return false;         if (category != null ? !category.equals(that.category) : that.category != null) return false;         if (timestamp != null ? !timestamp.equals(that.timestamp) : that.timestamp != null) return false;         return parkraumid != null ? parkraumid.equals(that.parkraumid) : that.parkraumid == null;      }      @override     public int hashcode() {         int result = id != null ? id.hashcode() : 0;         result = 31 * result + (category != null ? category.hashcode() : 0);         result = 31 * result + (timestamp != null ? timestamp.hashcode() : 0);         result = 31 * result + (parkraumid != null ? parkraumid.hashcode() : 0);         return result;     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return "crowdsource{" +             "id=" + id +             ", category=" + category +             ", timestamp=" + timestamp +             ", parkraumid=" + parkraumid +             '}';     } } 

to avoid persisting values can annotate them @javax.persistence.transient annotation in crowdsource entity. ignored persistence.

@transient private integer anzahl;   @transient private integer wochentag 


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