android - New to AdMob/Firebase: how to choose local business adverts? -

i developing android app, , approaching ads part of development.

i using firebase app, , need know best approaches implementing following advertising requirements respective scenarios (i have never done before , wealth of information , approaches little overwhelming) :

scenario 1: initial release
initially, app used students of single university, , such want adverts arranged local businesses, adverts of interest students.

  • what have in firebase/admob provide this?
  • what businesses have utilize after have made agreement them?

scenario 2: progressed release
end-goal have app, in personalized form, every university interested in using students. each university's app users receive ads relevant them (ie. user @ mit wouldn't receive ads 20%-off restaurant deal in south african town) again:

  • what have in firebase/admob provide this?
  • what businesses have utilize after have made agreement them?
  • and how make users ads?


sounds there 2 concerns here.

for first, if app uses location information intended functions (and has location permission turned on), mobile ads sdk use info fetch geographically relevant ads. happens automatically. not every ad local business though--if national advertiser highest bidder impression, that's ad served.

for second concern (how direct deals local businesses), i'd recommend admob's direct-sold campaigns. once have regular admob ads serving, can mix in own campaigns directly negotiate businesses (e.g. "we'll give 100,000 impressions xxx dollars" or 10% of traffic, or whatever). business in charge of entering campaign details , uploading creatives sent whom you're advertising.


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