opencv - Attaching multiple image panorama to form complete panorama -

i using opencv stitcher code. in stitcher.cpp, there leavebiggestcomponent function, in largest set having images belonging panorama obtained , other images rejected. have changed code , able obtain fewer smaller sets along largest set. merging these smallers sets largest one, have find relative rotation of each images in smaller sets respect center image of largest set.

suppose have 6 images, 2 sets obtained . set1 (1,2,3,4) , set2(5,6) know rotation of 1,2,3,4 wrt 3(center of set1) , know rotation of 6 wrt 5. using gyroscope, have rotation of 5 wrt 3 well

so, r of 6 wrt 3, r = r[6 wrt 5] * r[5 wrt 1]

is correct?

output enter image description here panorama in center largest set. while 1 left corner small set, used above equation , output wrong

so here solution r of 6 wrt 3, r = r[5 wrt 1] * r[6 wrt 5]

this give result if gyro data reliable.although results not perfect always, depending on focal length calculated stitching algo , phone sensor data


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