Android debugging return to same place -

lets developing/debugging activity in order reach need pass 4 screens.

each time run app need start over.

i tried using instant run not working. wrote dedicated code automatically skips between screen (instead of making me click manually) not practical..

i cant not open activity because gets information previous activities..

is there way make android studio return same place when build & run, or keep state?

(i know instant run when developing big application not work good, @ least me)

on previous activity

intent.putextra("passed_from_previous_activity", true); startactivity(intent); 

on new activity

oncreate() {     //this way you'll know if activity's been reached previous activity or not     if(getintent().getbooleanextra("passed_from_previous_activity",false)) {         //your state values here         //i.e., values receive previous activity     } } 

if have hundred activities (playing devil's advocate) , need start 55th activity tightly coupled 53rd , 54th activity, suggest have button for debugging purposes takes 53rd activity, , transition 54th , 55th.

while turning off instant run solution, need start 1st activity, , have button magically takes using small workaround mentioned above preserving state 53rd activity, , same said above.


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