ajax - How to submit manual entered date in primefaces calendar? -

i've got form 2 primefaces calendar input elements , datatable on it. calendar items used filter result displayed in table values. therefore use p:ajax ‘dateselect’ event working fine when doing manipulation mouse on popup. when change date manually in input field keybord no change event fired. when use second p:ajax event blur or change i'm not able new value.

    <p:calendar id="startdate"                 value="#{filterstart}"                  required="true"                 showon="button"                  maxdate="#{filterend}"                 >         <p:ajax event="dateselect"                 listener="#{listcontroller.onfilterstartchanged}"                 update="filtertbl, enddate" />         <p:ajax event="change"                  listener="#{listcontroller.onfilterstartblured}"                 update="filtertbl, enddate"                 process="@this"                 partialsubmit="true" immediate="true"  />                                                                        </p:calendar> 

the method onfilterstartchanged gets called when selection made on pupup it's possible read new value:

public void onfilterstartchanged(final selectevent event)  {...} 

but keyboard changes not fired when moving focus component

public void onfilterstartblured(final ajaxbehaviorevent event)  {     date newdate = (date)((calendar)event.getsource()).getvalue();     ... } 

how can new date?

i have same need p:calendar in primefaces 5.3 , it's work me whit code. don't use event parameter

<p:calendar id="startdate"             value="#{filterstart}"              required="true"             showon="button"              maxdate="#{filterend}"             >     <p:ajax event="dateselect"             listener="#{listcontroller.onfilterstartchanged()}"             update="filtertbl, enddate" />     <p:ajax event="change"              listener="#{listcontroller.onfilterstartchanged()}"             update="filtertbl, enddate/></p:calendar> 

no parameter in method, value in filterstart

public void onfilterstartchanged()  {...} 


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