Python guessing game hints and points systems -

i'm writing first python game , trying incorporate 2 elements i'm unsure how write it.

1: idea game generate random 3 digit number inbuilt random module (ie. 123) , user have 23 tries guess correct numbers. initiate asking user input 3 digits between 0-9. want create hint system user knows if on right track. see example in link below (i can't embed images apparently).

click see example input/output hints

  • a "w" indicates of characters in guess wrong.
  • one or more "x"s indicates have correct character, in incorrect position
  • one or more "r"s indicates have correct character in right position

to kind of hint need create 3 separate numbers , combine them form target number or still able following code:

target = random.randint(111, 999) 

i've started writing function takes in variables guess (this user has entered) , target (the generated number):

def get_hint(guess, target): 

this far have gotten it. laughable, know. literally have no idea if possible create hint system.

2: have points system points start @ 10000 (if user guesses correctly first try) , decreases 10% each incorrect guess (second guess = 9000, third guess = 8100, etc.) 2 decimal places. have incrementing count amount of guesses user has tried when guess correct number following happens:

if guess == target:     print("congratulations!")     print("{} correct answer!".format(target))     print("you guessed correct answer in {} tries , scored {} points.".format(tries, points)) 

first point system trivial: have score varible , modify @ each round score=score*0.9 , round 2 decimals when printing "{:.2f}".format(score)

regarding hint system :

having list of 3 numbers far easier deal i'll assume target , guess have 1 of following format "123" or [1,2,3] (as strings can indexed lists)

the tricky part doing right comparisons because have take care of digit have been matched against target in order give "r" in example case of guess=113 , target=333. here function job:

def hint(guess,target):      if guess == target:         print("win")     else:         #we store list keep track of numbers          #already matched don't count them twice x , r         r=[0]*len(target)           #first check if there's direct match         i,n in enumerate(guess):             if guess[i] == target[i]:                 r[i]=1          #we make new lists without digits matched         stripped_guess=[n i,n in enumerate(guess) if r[i] == 0]           stripped_target=[n i,n in enumerate(target) if r[i] == 0]            #we try count amount of x         x=0         n in set(stripped_guess):             #we count how many time given digit appears              # in 2 lists, smallest our x amount             x+=min(stripped_guess.count(n),stripped_target.count(n))          if sum(r) == 0 , x == 0:             print("w")         else:             print("r"*sum(r)+"x"*x) 

some tests:

>>> hint(guess="404",target="404") win >>> hint("135","331") rx >>>hint("11123","12133") rrrx 


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