php - Error when injecting doctrine and custom service -

i have problem dependencies injections in symfony3:

this services.yml

some_service:     class: stagingbundle\service\someservice     arguments: ['@doctrine']     arguments: ['@test.other_service'] 

this constructor of someservice.php

public function __construct($doctrine, someservice $someservice) {     $this->doctrine=$doctrine;     $this->someservice=$someservice;  } 

when running console command following error:

[symfony\component\debug\exception\contexterrorexception] catchable fatal error: argument 2 passed stagingbundle\service\someservice::__construct() must instance of stagingbundle\service\otherservice, none given, called in /var/www/projects/myapp/var/cache/dev/appdevdebugprojectcontainer.php on line 1141 , defined 

why happen , how can solve it?

"arguments" array , can there once, should this

some_service:     class: stagingbundle\service\someservice     arguments: ['@doctrine', '@test.other_service'] 


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