objective c - Issue retrieving data from firebase database ios -
at moment have app using firebase database store users: name school subject within 3 separate textfields.
right i've managed allow user enter details within these 3 text fields , hit button labeled update, sends data firebase console.
this means user can enter details, hit update , see them while logged in. logout , login again textfields blank, despite fact firebase has info stored on server.
i've been playing around day trying work no avail.
here have firebase reference , auth:
self.rootref = [[firdatabase database] reference]; self.user = [firauth auth].currentuser;
and update button code sends users info firebase database:
- (ibaction)didtapeditprofile:(id)sender { if (![_textfieldone.text isequal: @""]) { nsstring *item = _textfieldone.text; [[[[_rootref child:@"users"] child:_user.uid] child:@"name"] setvalue:item]; } if (![_textfieldtwo.text isequal: @""]) { nsstring *itemtwo = _textfieldtwo.text; [[[[_rootref child:@"users"] child:_user.uid] child:@"school"] setvalue:itemtwo]; } if (![_textfieldthree.text isequal: @""]) { nsstring *itemthree = _textfieldthree.text; [[[[_rootref child:@"users"] child:_user.uid] child:@"subject"] setvalue:itemthree]; } }
the problem i'm having retrieving data within code below situated in viewdidappear:
[[_rootref child:@"users"] observeeventtype:firdataeventtypevalue withblock:^(firdatasnapshot * _nonnull snapshot) { nsdictionary *usersdict = snapshot.value; nslog(@"%@",usersdict); [usersdict objectforkey:_user.uid]; //i've tried numerous solutions here text fields display info database mainly: nsstring *field; field = _textfieldone.text; field = [userdict objectforkey @"name"]; code i'm attempting translate looks this: field(userdict?.objectforkey("name") as? string) }];
any ideas?
i managed sorted follows:
-(void)configure:(nsstring *)field { _textfieldone.text = field; }
and within code having problem:
[[_rootref child:@"users"] observeeventtype:firdataeventtypevalue withblock:^(firdatasnapshot * _nonnull snapshot) { nsdictionary *usersdict = snapshot.value; nslog(@"%@",usersdict); [usersdict objectforkey:_user.uid]; [self configure:[userdict objectforkey:@"name"]]; }];
thanks help.
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