BigQuery not allow Subselect in select clause -
i have sample 2 table:
table point_status: rank_point status 9 excellent 5 3 bad 0 fail table student_point: student point student 8 student b 9 student c 5 student d 4
how create query on bigquery status of student (with point >= rank_point)
note:- bigquery not allow subselect in select clause.
note: bigquery not allow subselect in select clause.
it does support standard sql - see enabling standard sql
with point_status ( select 9 rank_point, 'excellent' status union select 5 rank_point, 'good' status union select 3 rank_point, 'bad' status union select 0 rank_point, 'fail' status ), student_point ( select 'student a' student, 8 point union select 'student b' student, 9 point union select 'student c' student, 5 point union select 'student d' student, 4 point ) select student, point, (select status point_status rank_point <= point order rank_point desc limit 1 ) status student_point
meantime, if bound legacy sql, see below
select student, point, status ( select student, point, status, row_number() over(partition student order rank_point desc) pos student_point cross join point_status point - rank_point >= 0 ) pos = 1
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