Algolia WordPress Plugin Wont Process Index Cueue -

in reference following existing question. wordpress plugin : can't process indexing queue unable participate in comments due having new account , less 50 reputation.

i having problem getting algolia wordpress plugin process index. running latest version of wp , downwloaded wp plugin algolia today. when run wp_debug , wp_debug_log in wp-config file following output on wp end page.

has_cap called argument deprecated since version 2.0.0! usage of user levels plugins , themes deprecated. use roles , capabilities instead. in /var/www/html/dealer/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3890

line 3890 in wp-includes/functions.php references code generated error.

trigger_error( sprintf( __('%1$s called argument <strong>deprecated</strong> since version %2$s! %3$s'), $function, $version, $message ) );

this appears unrelated issue.

i should point out dev test server running locally on our internal network. i'm starting wonder if that's causing issue. installed same plugin on our live version of site , works expected.

we have never noticed logs related user capabilities. best bet remove notices to:

  • be sure plugins updated,
  • disable/test/enable plugins 1 one locate plugin raising those.

please ensure requirements met:

do have errors logged on "logs" page of algolia plugin? might useful give list of plugins using.


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