Vagrant mount folder twice in df command -

here's df result:

vagrant@precise64:~$ df -h filesystem                  size  used avail use% mounted on /dev/mapper/precise64-root   78g  3.7g   70g   6% / udev                        172m  4.0k  172m   1% /dev tmpfs                        73m  296k   73m   1% /run none                        5.0m     0  5.0m   0% /run/lock none                        182m     0  182m   0% /run/shm cgroup                      182m     0  182m   0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sda1                   228m   53m  164m  25% /boot vagrant                     233g   82g  152g  35% /vagrant vagrant                     233g   82g  152g  35% /vagrant srv_website                 233g   82g  152g  35% /srv/website srv_website                 233g   82g  152g  35% /srv/website 

key mount info :

config.vm.synced_folder "vagrant_data" ,"/srv/website" 

it's odd /vagrant mounted , mount twice, /srv/website

vagrant                     233g   82g  152g  35% /vagrant vagrant                     233g   82g  152g  35% /vagrant srv_website                 233g   82g  152g  35% /srv/website srv_website                 233g   82g  152g  35% /srv/website 

here's vagrantfile:

# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby :  # vagrant configuration done below. "2" in vagrant.configure # configures configuration version (we support older styles # backwards compatibility). please don't change unless know # you're doing. vagrant.configure("2") |config|   # common configuration options documented , commented below.   # complete reference, please see online documentation @   #    # every vagrant development environment requires box. can search   # boxes @ = "hashicorp/precise64" = "afterdocker"    # disable automatic box update checking. if disable this,   # boxes checked updates when user runs   # `vagrant box outdated`. not recommended.   # config.vm.box_check_update = false    # create forwarded port mapping allows access specific port   # within machine port on host machine. in example below,   # accessing "localhost:8080" access port 80 on guest machine.   # "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080    # create private network, allows host-only access machine   # using specific ip. "private_network", ip: "" "public_network" "public_network", bridge: "en0: wi-fi (airport)"   # iterating loop 3 times     (1..2).each |i|         # defining vm properties         config.vm.define "nvm#{i}" |node|             # specifying provider virtualbox , naming vm's             config.vm.provider "virtualbox" |node|                 # vm named nvm{i}        = "nvm#{i}"             end         end     end    # create public network, matched bridged network.   # bridged networks make machine appear physical device on   # network.   # "public_network"    # share additional folder guest vm. first argument   # path on host actual folder. second argument   # path on guest mount folder. , optional third   # argument set of non-required options.   config.vm.synced_folder "vagrant_data" ,"/srv/website"    # provider-specific configuration can fine-tune various   # backing providers vagrant. these expose provider-specific options.   # example virtualbox:   #   # config.vm.provider "virtualbox" |vb|   #   # display virtualbox gui when booting machine   #   vb.gui = true   #   #   # customize amount of memory on vm:   #   vb.memory = "1024"   # end   #   # view documentation provider using more   # information on available options.    # define vagrant push strategy pushing atlas. other push strategies   # such ftp , heroku available. see documentation @   # more information.   # config.push.define "atlas" |push|   # = "your_atlas_username/your_application_name"   # end    # enable provisioning shell script. additional provisioners such   # puppet, chef, ansible, salt, , docker available. please see   # documentation more information specific syntax , use.   # config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-shell   #   apt-get update   #   apt-get install -y apache2   # shell end 

my env:

  • osx ei capitan 10.11.6
  • virtualbox 5.0.26
  • vbox: hashicorp/precise64 ubuntu 12.04

i install plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest


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