python - virtualenv: "cannot import name 'Flask'" -

maybe i'm doing wrong, after 1 hour of staring @ code i'm not getting smarter.

my problem virtualenv. set venv2 , venv3 folders in home-directory. installed flask on both of them, alongside other packages.

the problem can't run helloworld-example flask.

from flask import flask  app = flask(__name__)  @app.route('/') def hello_world():     return 'hello world' 

example venv2:

(venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:11 )( dun@arch64l ):~ python /home/dun/venv2/bin/python (venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:12 )( dun@arch64l ):~ python3  /usr/bin/python3 (venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:12 )( dun@arch64l ):~ pip /home/dun/venv2/bin/pip (venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:12 )( dun@arch64l ):~ cd _workspace/py/flask  (venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:12 )( dun@arch64l ):~/_workspace/py/flask python2  traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 1, in <module>     flask import flask importerror: cannot import name flask (venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:13 )( dun@arch64l ):~/_workspace/py/flask pip list click (6.6) flask (0.11.1) itsdangerous (0.24) jinja2 (2.8) markupsafe (0.23) pip (8.1.2) setuptools (26.1.1) werkzeug (0.11.11) wheel (0.29.0) (venv2) #( 7.09.16@14:13 )( dun@arch64l ):~/_workspace/py/flask python2 traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 1, in <module>     flask import flask importerror: cannot import name flask 

example venv3:

(venv3) #( 7.09.16@14:10 )( dun@arch64l ):~ python /home/dun/venv3/bin/python (venv3) #( 7.09.16@14:10 )( dun@arch64l ):~ pip /home/dun/venv3/bin/pip (venv3) #( 7.09.16@14:10 )( dun@arch64l ):~ pip list click (6.6) django (1.10.1) flask (0.11.1) itsdangerous (0.24) jinja2 (2.8) markupsafe (0.23) pastedeploy (1.5.2) pip (8.1.2) pyramid (1.7.3) repoze.lru (0.6) setuptools (26.1.1) translationstring (1.3) venusian (1.0) webob (1.6.1) werkzeug (0.11.11) wheel (0.29.0) zope.deprecation (4.1.2) zope.interface (4.3.2) (venv3) #( 7.09.16@14:10 )( dun@arch64l ):~ cd _workspace/py/flask  (venv3) #( 7.09.16@14:11 )( dun@arch64l ):~/_workspace/py/flask python  traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 1, in <module>     flask import flask importerror: cannot import name 'flask' 

i don't see file structure, can't sure, if have file called in same folder, python import instead of flask module


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